This product is for informational purposes,
and may not be suitable for legal, engineering,
surveying, or navigation purposes.
This information or data is provided with
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Central Oregon
107 Road Meadow
2730_2750 Junction
Bailey Place
City of Long Creek
Cody Fields
Collins Ranch
Corbet Snopark
Cutsforth County Park
Devils Backbone
Dufur School
Fallriver Airstrip
Foley Ranch
Ft Dalles Rodeo Grounds
Gas Station Quarry
Grant County Fairgrounds
Highland Flat
Hood River Armory
Hood River Fairgrounds
Hood River Valley High School
Hoover Meadow
Horse Butte Ranch
Izee Ranch
Johnson Road
Keller Cabin Spring
La Pine Elementary School
Long Creek School
Lower Three Creek Snopark
Martin Creek Meadows
McKay Saddle
Meadowbrook Store
Mid Columbia Fire and Rescue
Mitchell High School
Monument Grade School
Monument River Park
Morrow County OHV Park
Mosier School
Mt Vernon Middle School
Murderers Creek Wildlife Refuge
Nye Ranch #2
Nye Ranch
Ogden Group Site
Prairie City School
Prairie Farm
Road 41 Rock Quarry
Road 70 Meadow
Round Basin Ranch
Sisters Middle School
Sisters Rodeo Grounds
Skyliner Road Quarry
Smock Prairie
Spray School
St. Mary's Academy
Stephenson Mtn Lookout
Strawberry Creek
The Dalles-Wahtonka High School (Wahtonka Campus)
Wahtonka School
Wasco County Fairgrounds
Wasson Meadows
Weburg Ranch
Wheeler PointFire Station
Whiskey Springs
Willow Creek Mill Site
Zimmerman Quarry
Anchor Ranch
Camas Ranch
Cavitt Creek County Park
Cow Creek's at Ravenswood Rd
D.L. Phipps Nursery
Dale Johns
Days Creek High School
Douglas Simper
Glendale High School
Hymer Family Trust
Junction Road - Glendale
Kanipe Park
Karl Fraun
Milo Academy
Myrtle Creek Airport
Pass Creek Park
Riddle Elementary School
South Umpqua High School
Strader Ranch
Tenmile School
Tri City Elementary Ball Fields
Yoncalla Baseball Field
Klamath Lake
Bonanza Schools
Chiloquin High School
Diamond Lake Junction
Gerber Campground
Grasshopper Flat
Henley High School
Jesperson Ranch
Keno Elementary School
Lake County Fairgrounds
Lost River High School
Oregon Institute of Technology
Paisley High School
Rivers Bend Motel & RV
Rock Creek Ranch
Sportsman Park
Weyco 500 Reload
Weyco Camp 4
Weyco Camp 6
Weyco Camp 14
Yamsi Ranch
North Cascade
Abbey Milk Ranch
Camp Pioneer
Dabney State Park
Eagle Fern Park
Elk Horn Recreation Area
Horning Seed Orchard
Idanha Mill site
Lewis & Clark State Park
McIver State Park
Metzler Park
Roaring River Park
North East Oregon
Battle Mountain Forest State Park
Betty Adams
Blalock Mountain
Catherine Creek Park
Divide Well
Emigrant Springs State Park
Enterprise High School
Hilgard State Park
Huntington School
Jericho Creek
Johnson Canyon
Joseph Fairgrounds
Joseph High School
Lincton Mountain
Little Meadow Canyon
North Fork John Day
North Fork Walla Walla River
Overtime Spring
Pendleton Water
Potamas Point
Red Bridge State Park
South Fork Walla Walla River
Thompson Meadows
Tribal Grounds Wallowa
Troy School
Union County Fairgrounds
Vey Ranch
Wallowa County Fairgrounds
Wallowa High School
Wallowa Lions Park
Weston Mountain
Wolf Creek Reservoir
Wulff Ranch
North West Oregon
Asbury Acres
Big Eddy Park
BPR Shop
Browns Camp
Bryce Mitchell High
Buxton Lookout Park
Camp Cooper
Camp Smith
Camp Wilkerson
Camp Yamhill
Carlton City Park
Clatskanie Industrial Park
Cochran Area
Columbia County Fairgrounds
Deer Creek Park
Edward Grenfell Park
Elk Creek Park
Flying M Ranch
Forest Grove Office
Gales Creek Park
Gaston High SchooI
Hagg Lake Boat Ramp C
Hudson Park
Menefee Park
Out Post Area
Pumpkin Ridge
Reehers Park
Reimer Road
South Fork Camp
Sterling Ranch Site
Stoney Point Field
Storey Burn
Sunset Wayside Rest Area
Trojan Park
Yamhill High SchooI
South Cascade
Cascadia State Park
Crawfordsville Elementary School
Elijah Bristow
Fall Creek Reservoir
Foster Elementary School
Grove Christian Camp
Holley Elementary School
Jasper State Park
Lewis Creek Park
Ray Benson Snopark
Shotgun Creek Park
Sunnyside Park
Sweet Home Jr High School
Upper Soda Sand Shed
Waterloo Park
Southwest Oregon
Almeda County Park
BLM - Provolt Seed Orchard
Cantrall-Buckley County Park
Elderberry Flat Campground
Emigrant Lake Recreation Area
Howard Prairie County Park
Illinois Valley Airport
Indian Mary County Park
Jackson County Expo_Fairgrounds
Joseph Stewart State Park
Lake Selmac County Park
ODF - SWO District Headquarters
Old Westside School
Tou Velle State Park
Valley of the Rogue State Park
West Lane
Camp Lane
West Oregon
Alsea School District
Benton County Fairgrounds
Blodget School
Eddyville Charter School
EE Timber Co Mill Site
Lincoln County Fairgrounds
Monroe High School
Philomath Rodeo Grounds
Polk County Fairgrounds
Sarah Helmick State Park
Siletz Valley School
Toledo High School
Willamina High School
Willamina Middle School